Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press



During an 80-year career, newsman George Seldes spoke truth to power–whether dictators, generals, industrialists or newspaper publishers.

Through Seldes’ encounters with Lenin, Mussolini and J. Edgar Hoover, the tobacco industry and the “Lords of the Press,” TELL THE TRUTH AND RUN provides a gripping journey through the twentieth century and a piercing look at censorship and suppression in America’s news media.

With Ralph Nader, Victor Navasky, Ben Bagdikian, Daniel Ellsberg, Nat Hentoff, Marian Seldes and Jeff Cohen of FAIR. Narrated by Susan Sarandon and Ed Asner.

111 minutes.

“A magnetic, entrancing, inspiring film… reveals a history of our times unknown to most Americans. At the same time delightful to watch and a powerful educational experience. I wish every young person in America could see it.”

— Howard Zinn, Historian, Boston University

Educational purchases:

Streaming options and Educational use DVDs from New Day Films

Home purchases:

Buy Now Button DVD with Extras

Vimeo on Demand: Rent or Buy


More on the Film

8 thoughts on “Tell the Truth and Run: George Seldes and the American Press

  1. Great eyeopening documentary about reporters that got the story right before the corporate press did or wanted to face facts!

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